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董文华是哪里人 ?沈阳出生军旅歌唱家董文华

董文华(别名:华子,1962年6月29日-),出生于中国辽宁沈阳,毕业于解放军艺术学院,中国内地女歌唱家、国家一级演员、中国人民解放军总政治部歌舞团独唱演员。成名于20世纪80年的中国歌坛巨星之一,享受国务院“政府特殊津贴”。 1984年,凭借《十五的月亮》被老百姓所熟悉,并获得辽宁省歌手电视大奖赛的第一名、全国聂耳、冼星海声乐作品演唱比赛中获银质奖。1995年,第三届全国MTV音乐电视大赛中以一曲《千古孔子》再获金奖。随后,大型音舞诗《国魂》中她独唱的《长城长》荣获国务院文化部“文华奖”。

Shenyang-born military singer Dong Wenhua

Dong Wenhua (alias: Huazi, June 29, 1962 -), born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, graduated from the PLA Academy of Arts. She is a Chinese mainland singer, national first-class actress, and soloist of the PLA General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe. One of China's biggest singers, who rose to fame in the 1980s, enjoys a "special government allowance" from the State Council. In 1984, she became familiar with the public with her song "Fifteen Years of Moon", and won the first prize in the Liaoning Province Singers TV Grand Prix and the silver medal in the National Nie Er and Xian Xinghai Vocal Works Singing Competition. In 1995, she won the gold medal in the third national MTV music TV competition with her song "Kongzi through the ages". Later, she won the "Wenhua Award" from the Ministry of Culture of the State Council for her solo piece "The Great Wall" in the large-scale music and dance poem "National Soul".

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